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Lifestyle Contest

Jose Leal
3 Challenges Completed
22 LBS lost

Jose LealTen years ago, Jose Leal was diagnosed with tongue cancer. After 30 radiation treatments and multiple surgeries, he was declared cancer-free, but the stress of his diagnosis caused him to eat more and gain weight. A few years later, Leal and his wife moved from Monterrey, Mexico, to Fort Wayne, Indiana. The two worked to build a life in their new home; as his wife took on a new job opportunity, Leal bounced between roles, eventually landing an opportunity in sales at his local Spanish radio station. Having spent much of his time searching for a job and working to adapt to a new life, taking care of his body was not his priority. When he turned 50 years old, he decided to take steps to improve his health.

Every day, Leal posts positive messages of encouragement on his social media, and his optimistic attitude caught the attention of his coach, Phillip Birchfield. The two built a relationship online, and Birchfield eventually invited Leal to join The 15 Day Challenge. He embraced the opportunity to not only see a physical change but build a consistent lifestyle.

During his first ever 15 Day Challenge, Leal focused on cardio, ensuring that he walked at least 15,000–20,000 steps per day, exercising on an elliptical, and using a rowing machine for at least 15 minutes during every workout at the gym. After the challenge, he felt that he had a higher capacity for movement, able to increase the speed at which he would walk and run. Additionally, he used a time-marked water bottle to encourage himself to drink more water, and he paid more attention to the ingredients and calories listed on food labels. Despite cultural pressure to eat heavier meals, he practiced portion control, chose lower-calorie food options, and ate more fruits and vegetables.

By the end of his challenge, Leal had lost 12.8 pounds. His results caused his clothes to fit better, which boosted his confidence in his body. Beyond the physical effects, he felt better and eager to take on more challenges. “I like looking better and having my clothes fit better,” he said. “I’m feeling good, and that’s the reason why I want to be a healthy person. I’m very happy with the results, but I want more!”

Jose has completed 3 challenges!
He has lost 22 pounds since January 1!*

*Results achieved through one or more TLC 15 Day Challenge cycles combined with a low calorie, balanced diet, and regular physical activity.

**Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Taking TLC Products is not a substitute for a reduced-calorie diet and exercise if you are trying to lose weight. You should always consult a physician before starting any weight loss or fitness regime.


  • says:

    Agradecida con TLC por abrir la puerta hacia mi cambio de vida. Hoy tengo 10 kilos menos de peso, inicie mi cambio con el iaso tea en enero 2023, y todos los milagros iniciaron en mi vida. Tenía tres años haciendo dietas, ayunos y trate de caminar pero no no tenía energía o fuerza de voluntad para sostener el esfuerzo. Hoy después de un mes de te y agregué el NRG tres semanas después, soy otra, con energía, linda, piel nueva, con voluntad. Hoy mi meta es lograr densidad osea, ya que tengo varias hernias discales y osteopenia, tengo 55 años y en menopausia, entonces me inscribí en el gimnasio hoy inicio oficialmente. Se que tonificare mis músculos y quemaré más grasa y eliminaré celulitis. Seré una mujer más linda de lo que ya hemos logrado juntos. Gracias TLC y comunidad

  • says:

    Este es mi segundo desafio de 15 días. No podía creer la segunda vez que me subí a la balanza electrónica el peso que tenía. Literalmente me quedé con la boca abierta. Mi sueño había llegado a mi. Les estaré mostrando mis nuevos músculos y las alas de mis brazos se quitarán.😃

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